
Thursday, November 08, 2007

Mum's Gone To...Get Some Fags

"I was smoking 20 a day before I was pregnant and I've cut down to one." Yes - now that you are 4 months pregnant Kerry. But oh no - it gets worse.

The former I'm A Celebrity TV show winner and gurning face of Iceland said she has tried to give up by using nicotine patches but it "left a mark". For f**cks sake, having a slightly red mark on your arm is surely better than forcing your unborn baby to smoke?

Chemicals in tobacco smoke can cause a whole range of problems - from there being a 26 per cent greater risk that the mother will miscarry or experience a stillbirth to the baby being born at a smaller birth weight.
Babies are more susceptible to developing chest infections and asthma, and the risk of cot death trebles with mothers who smoke in pregnancy.

Likewise, binge drinking can lead to foetal alcohol syndrome, which can cause brain damage and facial deformities. Oh look, Jordan's just popped by to say hello. Anyway...La Katona was recently photographed smoking a cigarette outside a pub in Warrington, Cheshire.

At the time it was reported that she downed four Martinis and a vodka during the same night but Katona has dismissed those claims.

"It's nonsense. I did have a drink - I had two," she said.

Katona admitted she was once diagnosed as an alcoholic, she said: "I was diagnosed because I drink when I have problems. But if I go out with my mates, I'm fine." Well, the sad fact is that most people - especially alcoholics

(a) tend to admit to half of what they normally drink

(b) justify why they drink ie: when I'm with my mates I'm fine, when I'm on my own I'm a problem drinker - err - yeees.....

Katona is expecting her second baby. Her first child was born premature and underweight - probably couldn't wait to have it's first real fag or had had enough already.

Either way, pregnant ladies who smoke are all munters in my book but Kerry just happens to have made it onto this weeks Muntometer of Munts for being such a selfish stupid cow.

Munterspace Sponsored by Restylane and Harley Street Clinic (Ugly Plastic Rehab Dept) 2007



Blogger Istvanski said...

Said Kerry Katona in rehab: "My life has just fallen apart. Can you help make me Whole Again?"

7:42 AM  
Blogger savannah said...

who is this person??????

5:14 PM  
Blogger rockmother said...

Ister - ha ha

Savmarshmama - she's a munter! Actually her background is very sad - abusive f**cked up childhood with rotten mum. She was in a band called Atomic Kitten, married a boy band singer called Bryan. Had two kids, went off the rails, got divorced, went off the rails again, re-married, is the face of Iceland supermarkets, went on morning tv gurning recently insisting that she was 'clean'. All very sad. See more here:

12:53 AM  
Blogger llewtrah said...

I wish someone would stuff that munter in an Iceland freezer and put her out of our misery.

10:12 AM  
Blogger Istvanski said...

That wouldn't kill her off! She has weird DNA; she'd just end up like Buck Rogers in suspended animation.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Frobisher said...

She is also a confirmed coke-head with a taste for unsuitable men, I refuse buy anything associated with her - be it salty, fatty, frozen foods or crap coffee table "chat" magazines

10:25 AM  
Blogger rockmother said...

Cheers Frobisher.

Naff off Barb!

8:21 AM  
Blogger Alan said...

"She is also a confirmed coke-head with a taste for unsuitable men"
Sounds like my type of woman.
I went out last night to a club to relax- I was told it was a drug free, have a bottle, and a good chat,and a whirl on the floof should you feel the inclination. (I remember in my teens stopping a girl on Grafton St. to genuinely ask her the time, she said: "I have the time if you have the inclination."
What time is it then I asked - I hadn't a fuckin' clue what she was on about - I wish I could turn back time.) That ain't corny, it's true. Anyway, the place was full of Munters, trying to hug me; sweat all over me - it was horrible."
I wouldn't say Kerry's doing too bad now at all, and she has a tidy little support from Brian, the father of her their two girls Molly 7, and Lilly, 5 (love those names) - Brian's being joined by the Backstreet boy Nick Carter, to help him on write a (a new career)few songs.
Kerry's life may have fallen apart, and she may ask for it to be whole again, but it's so far removed from the wholeness we'd (be talking about) need if we were in rehab- some holy sisters/fathers down the road at the back of the lane as far a way out of sight as possible.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Captain Nemo said...

Wow, what a story. So many of these going on... Enjoy your blog and reading you comments on Sean's blog.

6:02 PM  
Blogger rockmother said...

Oh hello everybody - I sort of forgot about all the munters. I must drum up some more soon. Thanks for popping by.

10:05 AM  

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